Drain Trough




2.414.529,73 €

Eligible expenditure

2.346.700,67 €

Own resources D.E.Y.A.X.

67.829,06 €

Physical object

The project includes the construction of the internal networks of collection of the waste water of the settlement Trough, the external transmission network and two pumping stations, until the position of the intended under construction WWTP in Gouves of the Municipality of Hersonissos.

In particular, the internal networks of this settlement, given the difficulties encountered in the adoption of exclusively gravitational network will be constructed partly by the method of suction. In more detail the internal sewerage networks of the settlement will consist of networks of suction with a total length of 4.008 measures and gravity sewer networks with a total length of 20.225 measures.

The sewage of the village will be collected via central sewer lines up to the limits and via an external network of conductors depression with a total length of 6.459 measures will be redirected to the CDC. The drainage pipes are sized for a time horizon of 40-years period.

I also included the construction of 2 pumping stations: a mixed serving the domestic sewer (gravity-vacuum) and a depressing for the external network transport wastewater to the WWTP.

Deliverables project

The final deliverable of the act includes:

  1. The construction of the internal and external networks of the settlement, Commitment as well as the construction of two pumping stations. Specifically provided for 10.315 measures gravity drain, 1.103 measures of depressive conductor and 4.383 measures twin discharge line(measures trench).
  2. The construction of the network of settlements Αγριανά and Χατζανά. Specifically provided for 7.560 measures gravity drain and 570 measures of depressive conductor.
  3. The construction of the three new pumping stations A1, A4 and A6 of the settlement of Port Peninsula as well as the necessary pipelines to the CDC. Specifically provided for 347 yards gravity drain and 1.386 measures twin discharge line(measures trench).

Overall, provided 25.664 measures networks for sewage from which the 15.801 meters are manufactured to the Withdrawal, the 8.130 measures Αγριανά-Χατζανά and 1.733 measures at the Port of Hersonissos. Also will be built five new pumping stations.

Objectives - Benefits

The purpose of the project is the definitive solution to the problem of collection and transportation of produced municipal wastewater of the settlement Trough of the Municipality of Gouves.

In particular, it is stated that in this settlement doesn't exist networks, sewage collection and the produced sewage ends up in the septic tank – rotting or absorbent products evacuation of which most of the times available raw in the wider area, resulting in the degradation of the natural environment as well as the quality of life of the inhabitants of the region.

From the disposal of waste water is generated risk of the spread of epidemic diseases that have a direct impact on the health of residents.

So, so, created an authoritative and at the same time vital for the overall solution of the problem of collection, transport, treatment and disposal of generated household waste, in order to avoid the risks of pollution, contamination and degradation of the environment due to the uncontrolled disposal of wastewater to natural receptors of the area, while we upgrade the quality of life and protection of the environment of the area, giving it new opportunities for growth.

The objectives are to be achieved by the completion of the project is expected to be the protection of the aquatic environment (surface and groundwater) from urban pollution, avoid

creation of foci of infection and the controlled disposal of the effluents to natural receptors of the area.

In addition, you will achieve aesthetic enhancement of the natural environment, the improvement of hygiene conditions and, therefore, the avoidance of expression of the spread of epidemic diseases. At the same time, you will be given the option of balanced regional development, while the conditions for waste management and environmental protection, as defined by the existing community and national law.

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