Drainage sewage settlements Commitment, Agrianon, Hatzanon and external network to transfer the CDC D. Peninsula and Upgrading of existing pumping stations A1, A4, A6 settlement Port of Peninsula
3.697.917,58 €
Eligible expenditure
3.579.044,38 €
Own resources D.E.Y.A.X.
118.873,20 €
Physical object
The project includes the construction of the internal network for the collection of waste water from agglomerations of Commitment, Αγριανών, Χατζανών and external network to transfer the CDC D.Peninsula with a total length of 25.664 measures. It also includes the construction of two new Pumping stations for the needs of the area of the Undertaking as well as the upgrading of existing infrastructure pumping stations of the settlement of Port Peninsula. In particular, the Port of Peninsula built of re in neighbouring positions of the pumping stations A1 and A4 to replace old, while it will be built in the first place and a small pumping station, the A6, which is complementary with the other two for the drainage of a portion of the area.
Deliverables project
The final deliverable of the act includes:
- The construction of the internal and external networks of the settlement, Commitment as well as the construction of two pumping stations. Specifically provided for 10.315 measures gravity drain, 1.103 measures of depressive conductor and 4.383 measures twin discharge line(measures trench).
- The construction of the network of settlements Αγριανά and Χατζανά. Specifically provided for 7.560 measures gravity drain and 570 measures of depressive conductor.
- The construction of the three new pumping stations A1, A4 and A6 of the settlement of Port Peninsula as well as the necessary pipelines to the CDC. Specifically provided for 347 yards gravity drain and 1.386 measures twin discharge line(measures trench).
Overall, provided 25.664 measures networks for sewage from which the 15.801 meters are manufactured to the Withdrawal, the 8.130 measures Αγριανά-Χατζανά and 1.733 measures at the Port of Hersonissos. Also will be built five new pumping stations.
Objectives - Benefits
The objectives are to be achieved by the completion of the project is expected to be the protection τουυδάτινου environment (surface and groundwater) from urban pollution, αποφυγήδημιουργίας foci of infection and the controlled disposal of the effluents to natural receptors of the area.
The proposed project will be a very σημαντικήπαρέμβασης for the Municipal District of the Peninsula. On the one hand, will join στοσύστημα sanitation important pieces of the area, which today does not drain into any καιαφετέρου will improve significantly the ability of the existing wastewater treatment plant and the existing main sewer network, so that after the intervention the whole system ναμπορεί to manage effectively, without nuisances and problems to the large volume of municipal and many raw sewage of the wider region which it serves.
Also, ηαναβάθμιση and the extension of the WWTP will provide very significant quantities of water with a quality suitable for irrigation of olive trees, saving precious water resources for water supply to the public.
Beneficiary population is, in principle, the population of the settlements Withdrawal, Αγριανά and Χατζανάπου do not have any drainage and the whole of the population and tourists in the wider area of the board.D. Peninsula, both through the expansion-upgrade of the WWTP and τωναντλιοστασίων and through the benefit from the protection of the aquifer ορίζοντααπό of the infection, and the savings due to irrigation with treated water.